28 Mart 2008 Cuma

Robosapien Playing Football

As a software programmer. I thought I may need some time off from hardware development and I have started a software based robot project. I had a few robosapiens and decided to make them play soccer. I have programmed a software which uses a camera at the top of the field, calculates the coordinate and angle of the robot, calculates the coordinate of the ball and commands the robot to the ball, step by step.
This is a bigger project than others of mine, so I will add documents and making of videos soon.
For now, here are the photos from the test runs.

This is a screenie from the software running.
Here, my other wowwee robots are on autonomous mode to create moving obstacles while the Robosapien V1 is trying to reach the ball.
There is your target robosapien. Go and get it!

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